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How to Be a Better Newborn Mom

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You will have many questions as a new mom. Perhaps you are wondering if breastfeeding is possible, or what to do when your baby is crying too much. These questions can be dealt with so you can spend more time with your baby. Find out how to be an even better mother by reading the following tips. You can make your first months of motherhood as stress-free and joyful by strengthening your relationship with your child.

Contact skin-toskin

It is a proven intervention to improve child safety and health. Skin-to skin contact between a mom and her newborn baby is a good option. This practice involves placing a newborn directly upon the mother's chest, abdomen or stomach for up 23 hours after delivery. There is little research available on this topic in Sub-Saharan Africa. This study examined skin-toskin contact in Nigeria among mothers and newborns. It also looked at the predictors of such a practice.

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Breastfeeding your newborn is not only for babies. In fact, breastfeeding can be a great experience for both the newborn and the mom. One study found that 48% of newborns who received routine care and SSC successfully breastfed. Research also indicated that SSC was linked with lower neonatal temperatures.

Sleeping enough

A mom who isn't getting enough sleep can have problems making decisions and having a fast reaction time. It can also make the mother more irritable and less able to handle tasks. Both mom and baby need to get enough sleep. You don't have to go to extremes to get enough sleep. There are simple things you can do to make it easier.

Helping crying babies

Being calm and trying to understand your baby's feelings is the best way to handle crying babies. It is possible for your newborn to be upset by something, like a stomach bug or a food allergy. However, it is crucial to keep calm and understand why they are crying. You can ask a friend, family member or babysitter to calm your baby if you are unable to do so.

Asking for help

Reaching out for help can be challenging for new moms, especially first-time ones. It is important to remember that helping others can make a huge difference in the health and well-being of your baby. It can also help you maintain your own sense of self. A newborn baby can make it easy to feel like "just another mama." Take some time for you. This will help you to remember that you are still an individual.

how to be better parents

Helping a mom who is far away

Even if you're far away, you can still be a huge help to a new mom. There are many ways you can show your love. You can send cards and gifts, money or gift vouchers, and stay in touch by email, text or phone. Ask your parents what they want.

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Are strict parents better?

I think you should try to be a strict parent. It's crucial that children learn how to behave. If they don't behave, they should be disciplined.

You have to teach them how to act properly. You don't want them running wild and causing harm to others.

You will find that being a strict parent is more difficult than being a permissive one. Allowing your children too much freedom will make them rebel against you.

If you give them too much freedom they won't be able to control their behavior.

Although it is difficult to be a strict parent, I believe it is worth it.

What is positive parenting?

Positive parenting styles help children become happy and well-adjusted adults. They teach them how to be constructively and positively receptive towards others.

They teach children how they can deal with conflict and stress, how to resolve conflicts peacefully and how to deal with disappointment.

Positive parenting can also help children learn self-discipline. It teaches them how to make decisions and solve problems on their own.

It encourages them to take risks and try new things. They learn to work hard for success.

Which parenting style is the best?

As a parent, it is important to ensure that your children are happy, healthy, well-adjusted, and successful.

It is important to instill values in children early. This means teaching them how respect authority, treat others and take responsibility for their actions.

So they can become responsible adults, who know their dreams and are capable of achieving them.

This means that your child will be better equipped to deal with problems at school and in friendships if they are taught these skills early.

How can you tell if your child needs more discipline than others?

Different stages of development require different levels of discipline from children.

A spanking may be beneficial for children younger than 2 years.

You may find that your older child needs more structure and guidance.

Before making major parenting changes, it is important to discuss any changes in the behavior of your child with your doctor.

How important is good parenting?

Good parenting helps children develop into well-adjusted adults who are capable of coping with life's challenges. They also learn to make their own decisions and take ownership for their actions.

Children learn to be self-controlled, manage their emotions and cope well with stress from parents who are good. They teach their children how to set and achieve goals.

They encourage children to discover their talents and interests. They ensure that they have the opportunity and resources to succeed.

They are respectful of others and treat everyone equally. They will not discriminate against anyone due to their race or religion, gender, sexual preference, disability, or gender.

They create an environment where all family members feel safe and secure.

How can I stop my son or daughter from bullying others.

Bullying is a serious problem for many young people.

Children bully other children because they are insecure. Some bully to make someone else feel bad.

Most bullies don't know the consequences they cause. They think they are doing the right thing.

Therefore, it is crucial to prevent bullying in schools.

Here are some ideas:

  • Teach students the different types of bullying. Explain that bullying comes in many forms.
  • Talk to your child concerning bullying. Tell your child that you don’t like it when he/she picks on other people.
  • Help your child develop empathy. Encourage your child to think about other people's perspectives.
  • You must teach your child how to advocate for yourself and others.
  • Be consistent. Follow through if you tell your child not to touch another student.
  • Keep an eye on your child at school.
  • Tell teachers if your child is being bullied.
  • Don't use harsh words or insults with your child. Instead, be kind and gentle.
  • Set clear boundaries. It is important that your child knows where he or she stands along with you.
  • Support your child by standing up.
  • Be a team. Siblings and parents can work together to keep peace.
  • Make sure to use rewards and punishments in a responsible way. Good grades and chores can be rewarded with rewards. Misbehavior can be punished with sanctions


  • Most adults will become parents at some point in their lives (i.e., around 89.6% of the adult population worldwide; Ranjan, 2015). (positivepsychology.com)
  • Dr. Phil says, “Children should be able to predict with absolute certainty, what will happen as a result of their behavior, 100% of the time.” (parenting.kars4kids.org)

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How To

What are common mistakes parents make?

Parents often don’t know what to do with their children when they behave badly. They might not be aware of a problem until it is repeated. Sometimes they think that the child is acting out in spite of their dislike.

To raise a happy, healthy kid, you must set limits and consequences for bad behavior. It is important to show your child how to behave. You must also help your child understand why certain behavior is wrong.

Start by creating rules for yourself. You might say, "I won’t yell at kids." Then, you will find that you are less likely to yell about your children.

You can also use these guidelines to help you deal with your child's misbehavior:

  1. Set clear expectations.
  2. Be consistent in setting those expectations.
  3. Be sure to align your expectations with your values
  4. Be in control of your emotions
  5. Empathize.
  6. You should not punish them if they are unable to control the situation.
  7. Give them time to adjust.
  8. Give positive reinforcement rather than negative punishment.


How to Be a Better Newborn Mom