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How to Deal with the Situation when Your Baby Wants Mom

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Do you feel like your baby only wants to be with you? This is not an abnormal reaction - in fact, it's perfectly normal! It can also be very exhausting. You can make this easier by doing several things. Keep reading to learn more. This article will share some ideas on how you can deal with this common problem.

It's normal

The fact that your baby is only interested in being with you can cause exhaustion and overwhelm. You can't leave your baby to sleep, bathe, or take care of yourself without it crying. It feels like you have abandoned your baby. It is best to keep your cool and listen to your baby.

During the first three month period, your baby will most likely rely on you to soothe and keep him or her happy. The baby will begin to interact with others after this period. So try to resist the urge to go and comfort your baby every time he cries. Instead, try calming him or her down by holding something that holds mom's scent.

tips parenting

Your baby might prefer your scent. This is completely normal. Your baby may prefer to be held by you and draped with clothing. This will give your baby a similar smell as mom and will also help them get used to other people's smells.

It's just natural

It's normal for babies to love their mother more than any other person in the first months of life. The baby is biologically dependent on her or his mother to nurse him or her, so he or she prefers her mother. Babies who are breastfed spend most time with their mothers. You can be sure that your baby will love being with you, even if he or she is bottle-fed.

Being a parent to a baby that is only interested in you can be overwhelming. There are times when you feel like giving up and retreating to the room, but you should not. You can still be frustrated, but remember that mom likely has faced similar challenges to you.

It's exhausting

Sometimes it seems like your baby is only interested in spending time with you. It's normal and common for this to happen, but it can be difficult for parents to accept. Your baby may not express his/her emotions in words, but you can help him/her through the stage by making him/her spend time with both parents.

parent advice

It's exhausting being the sole caregiver of your baby, no matter whether you're a new father or mom. It is difficult to bathe your baby or care for it without it crying. Dads have to deal with this every day.

Understanding your baby's emotions and making him/her feel special is crucial as a parent. It can be exhausting for new mothers to see their baby abandon them and want their partner.


Is permissive parenting a good idea?

Although they can be a problem, parents who are too permissive with their children should not be considered bad. Children learn from both good and bad experiences. They have to be willing and able to take responsibility when their children are not disciplined properly.

They should also be ready to take appropriate action if their child behaves badly.

The best thing you can do as a parent is to set limits and boundaries and then enforce them. Be consistent.

These rules are necessary to raise well-adjusted adults that respect themselves and others.

How can I tell if my child needs more or less discipline?

Children need different amounts of discipline depending on their stage of development.

A spanking may be beneficial for children younger than 2 years.

But if your child has an older age, he/she may require more structure.

Before making major parenting changes, it is important to discuss any changes in the behavior of your child with your doctor.

Which parenting style do you think is most appropriate in America today?

The traditional family isn't as popular today than it was 50 year ago, because of changes in families. The role of parents in raising children has become less important. They are more interested in spending their time doing other things than with their children. This is known as helicopter parenting. It is when parents hover above their children all day. They don't let them do anything without supervision. They make sure their children eat right, exercise properly, get to sleep at night, and so on. This kind parenting creates stress for both the parents and the children. Kids feel like they're missing out on childhood experiences, while parents feel guilty if they aren't around all day long.

The problem is that this type of parenting doesn't teach kids how to take care of themselves. They learn to depend on others for everything. Instead of teaching independence, parents are teaching dependence. They show their children that success is dependent on adult help. If they fail, they are responsible for their failures.

This leads to kids who grow up feeling inadequate and worthless. They believe they are failures because they didn't live up to expectations. They also lack self-confidence, as they were not taught how they can deal with failure.

Another reason this parenting style isn't as popular is the decrease in two-parent households. When both parents work outside the home, it makes it harder for them to be available to their kids. Many parents end up raising their children by themselves.

Most parents want their children to be happy and healthy. They don’t want to worry about whether their kids get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise. They want to put their efforts into their own lives. They hire tutors, nannies and other caregivers to look after their children.

They don't want their children to be in complete control of every aspect of their lives. They don’t want them to make mistakes and think they can do it all the time. They want them learn from their mistakes and to try again.


  • They are even more likely to have dental cavities because permissive parents often don't enforce good habits, like ensuring a child brushes their teeth. (verywellfamily.com)
  • Students from authoritative families were likelier to say that their parents–not their peers–would influence their decisions (Bednar and Fisher 2003). (parentingscience.com)

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How To

What is positive parenting?

Positive parenting involves helping children be happy and healthy. Parents need to provide the right support and encouragement for their children.

Positive parenting is about teaching children problem solving, decision-making and conflict resolution.

Parents should encourage their children to acquire these qualities.

The following activities can help foster positive parenting:

  1. Spend quality time together.
  2. Help your children practice social skills.
  3. Offer constructive feedback.
  4. Teach your kids about morals and values.
  5. Model appropriate behavior.
  6. Allow your children to experience success.
  7. Show your children you care about them.
  8. You can share your knowledge and experiences to your children.
  9. Make your children laugh and have fun.
  10. It is important that your children are taught the value of doing chores around their home.
  11. Give your children the freedom to choose.
  12. Your children should be praised when they do something right.
  13. Encourage your children to try new things.
  14. Respect your children's privacy.
  15. Tell your children the truth.
  16. Treat your children like people.
  17. Be a role-model.
  18. Talk to your kids in a way they can understand and encourage you to talk back.
  19. Avoid harsh language.
  20. Set clear limits.
  21. Use rewards and consequences effectively.
  22. You should explain why you want your child to behave in this way.


How to Deal with the Situation when Your Baby Wants Mom